Leadtek WinFast
Capture Hardware AV Cable
If you use the Leadtek WinFast PxDTV2300 H or the Leadtek WinFast PxDVR3200 H make sure you have the AV cable that comes with them for analouge input.
The cable is a 9 pin mini-DIN from the card to various plugs for input including composite, s-video, component and L+R audio.
Other 9 pin mini-DIN cables from older Leaktek models with composite and s-video have also been tested to work.
A cable that comes with the PxDTV2300 H and PxDVR3200 H
Cables such as these from older models such as the DTV2000 H and the TV2000 XP Expert (low profile version) will also work with the PxDTV2300 H and PxDVR3200 H.
Third Party Cables
Cables such as those found online found online have been known to work.
My testing found that only the red socket worked for composite input, no other sockets worked correctly.
Take note that the 9-mini DIN socket on the card has an even separation pin layout. Some other hardware and cables have a pin layout that is slightly different.