mIRC Keep Alive Script

If you are having dropouts but your client is not aware that it is no longer connected this script will check if your client is still connected.

;on *:CONNECT: {

;  ping $me


on *:LOGON:*: {



RAW 001:*: {




alias startConnectKeepAlive {

  if ($serverip != {

    if ($timer(ConnectKeepAlive. $+ $serverip $+ : $+ $port) != $null) {

      echo -es keepAlive sanity check (multiple connections to same server)




    timerConnectKeepAlive. $+ $serverip $+ : $+ $port 0 60 doKeepAlive



alias stopConnectKeepAlive {

  timerConnectKeepAlive. $+ $serverip $+ : $+ $port off


alias startKeepAlive {

  if ($server != $null) {

    if ($timer(KeepAlive. $+ $server $+ : $+ $port) != $null) {

      echo -es keepAlive sanity check (multiple connections to same server)




    timerKeepAlive. $+ $server $+ : $+ $port 0 60 doKeepAlive



alias stopKeepAlive {

  timerKeepAlive. $+ $server $+ : $+ $port off


alias doKeepAlive {

  .raw $chr(13)


;alias doKeepAlive {

;  .notice $me .


;on ^*:NOTICE:.:?: {

;  haltdef
